Family & divorce Lawyers
Family Law
family lawyers located in Ottawa
How We
Can Help
Our experienced litigation lawyers specialize in all aspects of family law, including domestic relations, civil unions, domestic partnerships, parenting, and fertility. We are here to assist you at any stage of your relationship. If you are considering moving in with a partner and need to organize your finances, we can help you draft a cohabitation agreement.
helping you in family court
Family law matters & domestic relations

civil unions & domestic partnerships
We can help you if you have separated from a spouse and need advice as to your rights and obligations: this may lead to a resolution through negotiating a separation agreement, mediating and coming to a resolution, or litigation involving court proceedings or arbitration.
No matter your family law status, we are here to help guide you through the process and advocate on your behalf.
Clients have more than just financial disputes. The lawyers at Richardson Hall LLP are well-versed in parenting and decision-making disputes. We conduct trials, arbitrations, and motions in high-conflict parenting matters, though it remains our goal to settle your matter where appropriate. We are involved in matters requiring parenting assessments and can advise parents on how to engage with a parenting assessor, raise concerns, and deal with an assessor’s recommendations.
We also act in urgent matters where judicial intervention is required immediately to ensure children’s best interests were protected, including working with the Office of the Children’s Lawyer whose lawyers speak on behalf of some children in the courtroom.
Our expertise extends to guiding clients through the nuanced legal landscape concerning parentage. This includes crafting parentage agreements that outline rights and responsibilities, declarations of parentage to establish legal ties, clarifications of non-parentage when needed, and overseeing second-parent adoptions to ensure a smooth and legally sound transition into parenthood. We also help parents mediate and create parenting plans to better communicate with their former partners and prevent disputes from arising. Our commitment is to make the legal aspect of family building as seamless and empowering as possible for our valued clients.
Fertility Matters
Within our Fertility Law practice, our primary goal is to facilitate the journey of individuals and couples striving to realize their dreams of parenthood. We understand the complexity and emotional significance of family-building through assisted reproduction methods. Whether it’s arranging surrogacy agreements, navigating the intricacies of egg and sperm donor agreements, or facilitating embryo donations, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support.
A Family Law Team
that You can Count On.
We are part of the family. All the way through.
Amanda Hall
Jonathan Richardson
Marta Siemiarczuk
Erin Lepine
Camille Ligier
Angela Livingstone
Alice Weatherston
Tory Fishman
Elsie Daoust
plan of action
know your rights
building your case backed by Family Law
In other circumstances, negotiation only may be inappropriate. In those cases, we will recommend commencing a court proceeding to ensure your rights and those of your children are protected. In certain cases, an alternative dispute resolution process such as mediation may be appropriate to help reach a resolution.
We will have a complete discussion with you about the advantages and disadvantages of each of these steps to enable you to make an informed decision best-suited for your needs.
“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”
you are not alone
our professional Family Law services
You can assist us when it comes to the initial meeting. Some of the documents we may be requesting from you include income tax returns, notices of assessment, paystubs, and proof of assets and liabilities.
These documents will be required no matter what course of action we ultimately follow to bring your matter to a resolution. The sooner you can organize this financial disclosure, the faster we will be able to make specific recommendations for you.